A 1. Part 1. Random vs. sequential I/O

1. Introduction

In this assignment, we investigate the data access characteristics of primary and secondary storage devices. We explore the speed of data transfer between main memory and disks, and performance differences for sequential and random I/Os.

Though the difference in random and sequential I/Os is most dramatic for rotational hard drives, you will see the benefits of locality also for Solid State Disks, as well as for the main memory. You may use any disk type for this assignment, provided that you record its type and main characteristics in your report.

Before starting, please review textbook Chapter 13 and lecture handouts. 

This part consists of two main tasks. For the first task, you are going to implement all the required modules using C or C++ programming languages. After implementing each module, you may test its correctness against a small dataset, and add a new compilation unit to the Makefile. After making sure that each program works properly, you perform experiments with a larger input file (Experiment dataset), record your observations and discuss the results.

Both datasets represent the social network between people. Each line consists of a pair of IDs, delimited by a comma:
The meaning is that the person with ID 33 knows about and wants to befriend person with ID 44
If we abstract each person as a node in a graph, then the dataset represents the edges in this graph. The edges are directed.

Please maintain a good coding style (indentation, error checking and comments), as your code may be reused for the remaining parts of Assignment 1.

2. Coding tasks

2.1. Reading and parsing input

Write a routine that parses each line and returns an array of strings. Implement a function that reads a file line-by-line, parses each line, and converts each string array into a Record format. Record can be implemented as a struct containing an array, a Vector (for C++) or just two integers for this simple case:

 typedef struct record {
  int uid1;
  int uid2;
 } Record;

Test that the conversion works properly by printing each line and each Record of a small data file.

2.2. Block vs. line writing

In this part we convert the entire input text file into a table of records with the following simple schema: Following(UID1:int, UID2:int). For simplicity, we assume that the attribute names are stored as part of the schema, and not included as part of each page. To simplify matters even further, we are going to pack the maximum number of records into a single page, without keeping a page header information.

Use functions developed in 2.1 to write a program that reads the input file line-by-line, converts each line to a record, fills-in the output page buffer (the size of the buffer corresponds to the block size, provided as a program parameter), and - when the buffer is full - appends the full page of serialized records to a binary file.
Call this program write_blocks_seq and it should accept two command-line arguments: the input file name and the block size.

$ write_blocks_seq <input filename> <block size>

A reasonable block_size for initial testing of this part is 1 MB (const MB = 1024 * 1024). Note that the block size has to be multiples of sizeof(Record)

The program should be able to record the writing rate in bytes per second. After executing this program, you have on disk two files: the original csv file, and the binary record file - let's call is records.dat. Now it is time to implement a script in a scripting language of your choice (Python, bash), which runs write_blocks_seq with different block size parameters, and outputs the processing rate in Bytes Per Second (BPS) to stdout (can be redirected to a file). 

Suggested block sizes for experiments:
 KB = 1024
 MB = 1024 * 1024
 sizes = (  
  1 * KB,
  4 * KB,
  8 * KB,
  16 * KB,
  32 * KB,  
  1 * MB,
  2 * MB,
  4 * MB

Modify the previous program to output text lines instead of blocks. It should read one line, and immediately write it back into a different csv file. Add the timing code. Let's call this program write_lines.

By now, you have two programs completed, add their compilation units to the make file.

2.3. Sequential reads

In this part you implement a query that reads the binary record file in blocks, and computes how many people each user followers at most and on average. The original records are sorted by uid1, which allows to implement this program with a single sequential pass over the binary file. The program outputs two values: max and average. The timing code should surround the entire calculation including reading each block from disk. Call this program read_blocks_seq. The program parameters are the binary input file name and the block size in bytes (you have to test that the block size provided as a parameter is a multiple of sizeof(Record)).

Now, modify your code to read the entire binary file into a large in-memory buffer, and perform the same query. You will need to determine the file size in order to allocate the buffer of the appropriate size in your code. Time the program in bytes/second after all the records have been loaded into RAM. Call this program read_ram_seq. It has only one command-line parameter: the binary input file name.

By now, you have 4 small programs, and you compile them all using the same make file.

2.4. Random reads

Implement the max and average query, that calculates max and average by sampling data in X random positions of the data file (X is provided as an additional command-line parameter). The program performs a loop with X iterations. In each iteration it reads a block of records into a single-page buffer - starting from a random position in a file - and examines all the records in this block for max and average. Call this program read_blocks_rand.

Implement exactly the same sampling after the entire dataset has been loaded into RAM. You move into a random position of an in-memory array, and process all records in a one-block window for max and average. This program needs to have an additional parameter - block size. Call this program read_ram_rand

You have 6 small programs already, take a break.

2.5. Random writes

Implement two more programs (write_blocks_rand, write_ram_rand), that move into X random locations in file records.dat (X is provided as the second command-line argument), and override one record with a new record, let's say with an identical record (1,2). Implement the same random updates after the entire dataset has been loaded into RAM. 

3. Experiments

Each performance experiment should be repeated at least 5 times, and the average speed (MB/sec) should be reflected in your report. In order to repeat the experiment for the same input file, you will need to recreate this file each time, probably under a different name, to fool the operating system. This is because all the file content will be buffered by the operating system after the first run, and you would not be able to measure the data read speed for the secondary storage devices. 

The input for the experiments is the snapshot of a Twitter graph in file edges.csv. It represents a friendship/followership network among the bloggers on Twitter. The friends/followers are represented using edges. Edges are directed. Here is an example: 
This means user with id "1" followers user with id "2". 

If you work at home, the file can be downloaded from this page. All the experiments below should be performed with this input file.

3.1. Experiment 1: optimal block size

Before running the experiments to determine optimal block size, ask your operating system for a system disk block size using df command. Mark it for your report.

Run write_blocks_seq program with different block sizes, using script you wrote in 2.2., and record the respective write data rate in bytes/second. Plot BPS as a function of block size. 

What is the optimal block size according to your experiment? Does it correspond to the system disk block size? Is there a block size when further increase does not contribute to better performance?

Produce a binary record file records.dat with the optimal block size to be used for the subsequent experiments.

Run program write_lines and compare writing rate for text lines and blocks. 

Is there a difference? What is more efficient - writing in blocks or writing in lines? Why?

Write the report chapter summarizing block-size experiments. Include plots and the discussion.

3.2. Experiment 2: sequential vs. random read rate

Run read_blocks_seq and read_ram_seq to determine how many people each user followers at max and on average, and plot the performance results (logarithm of BPS) on a single graph. 

What is the ratio of sequential read rate for secondary storage and for RAM? Does it correspond to the ratio discussed in class? If not, what do you think is the reason? 

Here if you want to explore all your storage options, run the same experiment using read_blocks_seq for files located on optical disk, SSD, or rotational hard drive. Plot results on the same graph. Discuss differences in reading rate. 
To be able to perform a random-access reading experiment, we have to use an input file which is larger than the available main memory. Determine the amount of available memory free -m. If the memory is larger than 4 GB (for a lab machine), please use another machine. Make a large input file (at least 1.5 times larger than the available main memory) by concatenating edges.dat several times.
$  cat records.dat records.dat records.dat > big.dat

Note: in order to compile your program to work with big files you might need to add two compilation flags to your Makefile:
 CC = g++
 $(CC) $(CFLAGOPT) ... 

Run your random access program for disk with this new big file. Use 100 as parameter X. Compare the results for RAM (and for other memory types, if you have access to them). Plot all the results (for random and sequential reads, and for all available memory types) on a single graph. 

Discuss differences in speed and make a conclusion about reading rates (sequential and random reads) for different memories.
Write the second chapter summarizing reading experiments. Include plots and the discussion.

3.3. Experiment 3: sequential vs. random write rate

You already know the rate of sequential writing to disk - from experiment 1. Now run write_blocks_rand and write_ram_rand and measure write rate for sequential and random access for at least two memory types - primary and secondary memory. Plot all the results of reading and writing on the same plot.

Finally, write summary for your report, discuss what have you learned about access patterns for different memory types. Did these experiment persuade you that we need to design different algorithms for primary and for secondary storage?

4. Deliverables

Submit a tar ball named ass1.1.tar.gz that includes all C/C++ files, Makefile, scripts, and separately report1.pdf with plots and discussions. Make sure that you can tar/untar your file on the machine where you are planning to present your work. 

Your submission should contain a source code for write_blocks_seq, write_lines, read_blocks_seq, read_ram_seq, read_blocks_rand, read_ram_rand, write_blocks_randwrite_ram_rand (8 source files in total). Submit Makefile which generates all the above executables. The compilation should work without warnings. 

The report should contain the results of your experiments and the answers to all the questions posed above. The discussion should be 1 - 3 paragraphs in length, and should demonstrate that you understand the main causes of differences in speed, and how to use different memory types efficiently.

5. Marking scheme

Full 5 (3-code, 2-report) points can be earned for this part of Assignment 1

6. C syntax reminders

Reading text file
 /* returns: -1 if there is an error. */
 #include <stdio.h>
 char current_line[MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE];
 FILE *fp_read;
 /* open text file for reading */
 if (!(fp_read= fopen ( file_name , "r" ))) {
  printf ("Could not open file \"%s\" for reading \n", file_name);
  return (-1);
 /* reading lines */
 while( fgets (current_line, MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE, fp_read)!=NULL ) {
  current_line [strcspn (current_line, "\r\n")] = '\0'; //remove end-of-line characters
 fclose (fp_read);
Writing binary pages
 /* Our structure */
 typedef struct record  {
  int uid1,uid2;
 } Record;
 int block_size = ...;
 int records_per_block = ...;
 FILE *fp_write;
 /* allocate buffer for 1 block */
 Record * buffer = (Record *) calloc (records_per_block, sizeof (Record)) ;
 if (!(fp_write = fopen ( file_name , "wb" ))) ...
 /* flush buffer when full */ 
 fwrite ( buffer, sizeof(Record), total_records, fp_write);
 /* force data to disk */
 fflush (fp_write);
 free (buffer);
Reading binary pages
 int block_size = ...;
 int records_per_block = ...;
 FILE *fp_read;
 /* allocate buffer for 1 block */
 Record * buffer = (record *) calloc (records_per_block, sizeof (record)) ;
 if (!(fp_read = fopen ( file_name , "rb" ))) ...
 /* read records into buffer */ 
 int result = fread (buffer, sizeof(Record), records_per_block, fp_read);
 if (result!=records_per_block) ... 
 fclose (fp_read);
 free (buffer);
Measuring processing rate
 include <sys/timeb.h>
 struct timeb t_begin, t_end;
 long time_spent_ms;
 long total_records = 0;
  /* code to be timed */
  total_records ++;
 /* time elapsed in milliseconds */
 time_spent_ms = (long) (1000 *(t_end.time - t_begin.time)
        + (t_end.millitm - t_begin.millitm)); 
 /* result in MB per second */
 printf ("Data rate: %.3f MBPS\n", ((total_records*sizeof(Record))/(float)time_spent_ms * 1000)/MB);
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -O3 -Wall 
CFLAGS += -fno-exceptions
CFLAGS += -finline-functions
CFLAGS += -funroll-loops

# Source files
WRITE_BLOCKS_SRC=utils.c write_blocks_seq.c 

# Binaries
all: write_blocks_seq write_lines ...

#sequential writing in blocks
write_blocks_seq: $(WRITE_BLOCKS_SRC)
 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $@ 

 rm write_blocks_seq write_lines ...



  1. For those who choose to do A1 on a lab machine - here is some info:

    Each of you got an "unlimited" storage for the rest of the term in your own directory /s/csc443/(username). Here you can put and access our input file, and store all intermediate files created during processing. Do not store your code in this directory - it does not have a backup. The content of this directory will be removed after the end of the semester.

    In addition, in order to measure the performance of a local disk, each of you has an access to a local directory /data/scratch/(username). The content of this directory is cleared after you end your lab session. This directory can only be accessed if you are physically present in the lab - not through ssh. Run your performance experiments in this directory. The disks are SSD disks.

  2. The variable total_records in the "Writing binary pages" code example refers to the total number of records currently in buffer, not to the total number of records in the entire file

  3. The order of user ids in the small dataset was not correct - they were not sorted by uid1. I have updated the file on github, sorry for the confusion


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